Thursday, June 3, 2010

Music - Assignment #2

The boomwackers in today's class were a lot of fun to play with. I think they are definitely something someone at any age would enjoy making music with. Since I will be a physical education teacher I don't think I really would use the boomwackers in my class, but they are something I could pass on to the music teacher because I know the students would really have fun using them.
I spoke a little bit about music in my first post, but music is always around me. I only played the piano for four years when I was younger, but listening to music is like a hobby to me. I listen to all types of music constantly throughout the day. I love how music can put you in different moods and also help enhance an emotion. I listen to a lot of different artists, but some of my favorites include Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews Band. It is really hard to say who I would pay a lot of money for to see in concert because there are so many musicians I would love to see.

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