Monday, June 28, 2010

June 21st - Columbia Marionette Theater - Assignment #13

We met at the Columbia Marionette Theater to watch the play Puss in Boots. I thought the theater itself was adorable. I felt as if I was in a storybook when I walked into the building. It was really fun to just watch all of the children around me watch the show. Most kids that were behaving were really intrigued and drawn into the performance. I thought some of the characters were hard to understand, but for the most part I think it takes a lot of work to be a puppeteer. When we went behind the stage it was really cool to see all of the puppets that are used in the shows and also learn how they are made. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the pictures I took from the performance when I was putting them on my computer so I can't post any of them :-( However, some of the pictures I took were of the building, the marionettes used in the show, marionettes that were behind the stage and a picture of the rubber model the puppeteer used to form the marionettes. I found this picture online which was similar to one of the pictures I took of the outside of the building.

I think the marionette theater should definitely put on more shows for families to go and see. It was obvious that the children there really enjoyed the show as well as getting a chance to play with the puppets once the show was over.

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