Monday, June 28, 2010

June 23rd - Hair - Assignment #15

Tonight I went to see Hair at Trustus Theater. I really liked the atmosphere of the theater and how it was set up. I thought it was really cute to have popcorn at my seat when I got there and liked that everyone was really welcoming and friendly. I liked how the stage was small and was really close to the audience, which I think we learned was called a thrust stage. I liked how the actors included the audience and brought them into the show. I thought the show was entertaining but there were many parts during the performance where I was confused on what was going on. I think the director and actors did a really great job of bringing the audience back to the 1960's. I also liked how I wasn't just focusing on the stage at all times, sometimes the actors were singing in the audience and sometimes there were people standing to the sides of the stage. My favorite part of the performance was probably the ending number of "let the sunshine in". I thought the whole group sounded really great together, and did a great job of creating a solemn and depressing scene. I took a picture of the outside of the theater and of the stage during intermission.

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