Monday, June 28, 2010

June 10th - Dance Assignment #8

Going through my blog posts I realized that I was missing some posts. On June 10th in class we spoke about different types of dances around the world as well as the different styles of dance. It was interesting to see the photographs of the dances as well as watch some videos. As a physical education major I have taken a folk and square dance class so most of the dances were familiar to me. After class we went upstairs to learn the shag. It was interesting to learn that the shag can be taught in two different ways, which was something I did not know. Being from New Jersey, I did like taking part in learning the Shag because it was a way to learn more about South Carolina's culture. Even though I learned the shag once before, it was helpful to learn the steps over again to re-fresh my memory.

I came across the carolina shag club when I was looking up information about the Shag. I liked the image and decided to include it in my blog.

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