Friday, June 18, 2010

June 17th

I went to see the movie Greenberg last night at the Nickelodeon. I have never been to the theater before so it was a lot of fun to go to it. I thought the theater was really cool. I liked how the atmosphere of the theater was very friendly and laid back. There was a large group at the movie and it was interesting to listen to everyone's reactions and opinions of the movie both during the movie and when it was over. I thought the movie was okay. I think Ben Stiller did a great job of portraying an egocentric mental case. I enjoyed watching how he interacted with people and also listening to his views of society and the people around him. It was interesting to watch Florence and Greenberg go through their lives. They were both at two very different points of their lives going through different life crises. I was just interested in watching how both characters handled the situations they were in. Even though they saw things differently they did both seem to have a strong connection with caring for the family dog. I also liked how at the end both characters seem to have a hold for things, especially Greenberg who was realizing what was most important in his life.

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