Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010 - Assignment #1

As a child, I remember really enjoying drawing and sculpting with play-dough, but since then I stick with coloring books whenever I'm bored with my roommates or entertaining my younger cousins. In elementary school, my art teacher would have us create portfolios to put all of our work in that we created throughout the year. It was always fun to look back at everything I created and see how I may have progressed. During those years we focused on drawing portraits and landscapes. I always enjoyed art but I don't know much about many artists or paintings and I don't consider myself to be very artistic. I've been to many dance performances because my sister was a dancer, and I also took a three credit dance course my freshman year which required us to go to many performances. Listening to music and watching dances is definitely more interesting and entertaining for me. I seem to understand and get more from that type of art, compared to looking at a still drawing, sculpture or painting.

I think art is anything that affects one's emotions. Whether it be a play, painting, song, or movie, if it shows emotion and leaves an impression on a person it can be considered a type of art. I think the best thing about art is that there are so many different types of expressions, and there can be so many types of opinions and outlooks about how is it presented.

When it comes to movies and music, I watch and listen to just about anything. Comedies and romantic movies are probably my favorite to watch, but I love being taken to a different world in movies with special effects and creative story lines. I love listening to music because of how there is always a song that fits every mood. When I'm working on homework, I usually have something soft and relaxing playing in the background, but while when I'm working out or hanging with friends, I tend to listen to something more upbeat. While writing this blog I am playing some Dave Matthews Band which helps me stay focused. I believe music is one of the biggest components of art that helps bring people together.

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